The Arden Consort Logo

The Arden Consort instrument montage

Events diary


Maps generally indicate the first place you will need to find - the entrance to the village hall, church, carpark, etc.

Wed 13 Jul
St Laurence's Church,
2 College Street, Ludlow, SY8 1AN (map)
Public event - all welcome
Wed 31 Aug
St Mary's Church, Hamstead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B20 2RW (map) Public event - all welcome - Refreshments available - Free admission, with retiring collection
Wed 28 Sep
Postponed to
Wed 9 Nov
Holy Trinity Church, 1 Old Town, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6BG (map) Public event - all welcome - Refreshments available from 12.30pm - Free admission, with retiring collection

Events in other years

Also see events for the Lachrimae Consort

Recorder bell - The Arden Consort